There’s a secret to why MBS is so good at what we do…and I’m about to share it.
Allow me to introduce you to the MBS framework for sustainable growth!
This framework is something that has felt like second nature to me for a while. I was naturally working in this way and using this process before I stopped to name it or map it out.
It’s an approach I take with every client the team or I have worked with, no matter what we were doing or who we were working for.
The reason we call this our Growth Framework is that we’ve found our clients all basically come to us for the same thing: growth. They are either in a growth stage or want to be in a growth stage.
This framework is how we help our clients create sustainable growth and it looks like this:

It’s all about Process, Tech. and People
Process is the foundation of the framework and where it all starts.
The goal is to use strategic planning to plan your goals to be a reality. These plans always start with the big, overall vision for your business and then are broken down into what you could be doing day to day to help you achieve this.
Then you look at your offer suite and make sure that it is aligned with who you want to work with, how you want to work with them, and of course, whether it’s aligned with your bigger vision and whether it supports it.
Once all of this is established, you look at client experience. This is how clients are experiencing your brand from the sales process all the way through the delivery process and to offboarding. Because if you’re going to grow, your client experience needs to be second to none.
Once you have your processes planned and in place, you move on to the tech.
It’s important to choose your tools based on your processes instead of choosing tools based on templates or just choosing software like ClickUp because everyone is using it.
You have to choose what’s best for you based on the process you’ve established previously. After this, you need to set these tools up in a way that can be excellent for your people.
By people, I don’t just mean your clients, but your team too! Your tools need to be able to support your client experience and the people who are executing your deliverables.
Then, after you’ve used this tech for a while, we evaluate and automate it to make sure it’s functioning at its optimum and is actually working for you.
Once your tech is set up, working well, and automated, you start finding your people, which is the last part of the framework.
People is all about your team and developing the roles you need in your business, then hiring these people.
This process naturally results in someone becoming a leader…Something you will constantly be working on if you are the one stepping into this role. It’s one of constant growth and development, especially if you are set up (thanks to our pretty amazing process) to grow.
As a leader, you have an instrumental part in developing the team culture around you which is the final part of our framework.
Ultimately, you can’t have growth without a team culture that is in itself supportive whilst feeling supported by others and your tech.
How This Framework is Implemented at MBS
As I’ve mentioned, this framework is an integral part of how we do things at MBS, but what does this actually look like when you work with us?
Well, when people come to us (regardless of what their problem is) to some level, we will always include either process creation or process review.
This is because we need that information for us to function best in their business and it’s also helpful to diagnose the real problems they’re facing. Because problems aren’t also what they seem.
The truth is (based on our quite expansive experience) that any problem you have in your business likely leads back to your processes.
Processes are the foundation of your business. If there is no plan and there are no core ways of doing things, then the rest of your business will be in chaos.
For example, one of our most popular services is our tech audits but we realized we needed to make it a requirement for people to either provide their processes when they apply or go through the process mapping process with us.
Now, before you roll your eyes and think this is a ploy for us to get more money…it absolutely is not.
I mean, yes, we could not ask for processes and just tell you how to make the most out of the tools you’re using, like generic advice and tips…but we don’t do generic over here.
And the truth is, you can’t conduct a proper tech audit if there is nothing to audit it against.
How can we see if your tech is working effectively if we don’t know what you need it to be doing or what process you need it to support?
So whenever you work with us, for whatever reason, we will start with your processes, and then use our framework to build up your tech and your people so you are fully supported and equipped for sustainable growth!
If you want to know more about exactly how you can work with us, click here for more information!